Reporting Alleged Violations Based on Publicly Available Documentation

Use the Publicly-Documented Alleged Violation form when reporting an alleged violation where the subject is clearly named in a court ruling, licensure board action, third-party payor finding (e.g., finding of billing fraud), or other publicly-accessible information (e.g., blog post, video).

What counts as “public documentation"

Documentation is publicly-available if the general public can find and access it without having to first create an account, join a group, provide personal information, or pay a fee. Because reporting through this avenue is anonymous, notifiers cannot be updated on the matter. The BACB will follow up directly with the subject of the report if the evidence submitted substantiates a violation of ethics requirements. The only way to determine whether reportable sanctions were taken is to check the Certificant Registry.

Publicly Documented Alleged Violation Form


The BACB cannot provide legal or ethics advice under any circumstances. There are a number of resources available for anyone seeking guidance related to ethics in the Ethics Resources section. U.S. residents of states that regulate the practice of behavior analysis may contact their state disciplinary boards. For more information about regulation in the U.S., the Association of Professional Behavior Analysts has a resource page on licensure and regulation. Whenever possible, we encourage, but do not require you to consult with a behavior analyst who specializes in the matter before filing a Notice of Alleged Violation. For legal advice, please consult with a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction. For additional guidance on ethics-related matters, please see the Ethics Codes section.