
The BACB produces newsletters as needed to inform certificants and the greater ABA community of major changes to BACB services and offerings. Email notifications are sent to everyone in the BACB’s database whenever a newsletter is published. If you are in our database but have stopped receiving newsletters, it is possible that you unsubscribed inadvertently. You can contact us to opt back into newsletter mailings.

If you would like to receive newsletters but you are not a BACB certificant, you can sign up here.

Newsletter Month Newsletter Year Article Titles
July newsletter2024
  • International Development Update: National Association Development
  • International Development Update: Recognition, Regulation, and Local Credentialing Programs
  • International Development Update: Other Developments
  • Changes to BACB Certification in Australia
  • Considerations for Using Artificial Intelligence in ABA Practice
  • Accurately Representing your Legal Name in the BACB Registry
  • Protecting the BACB’s Certification Marks to Avoid Genericide
  • Artificial Intelligence and BACB Materials
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
December newsletter2023
  • 2026 RBT Examination: Job Task Analysis
  • 2026 RBT Examination: Test Content Outline
  • 2026 RBT Examination: Examination Content Domain and Blueprint Crosswalk
  • 2026 RBT Examination: Implementation Timeline
  • RBT Eligibility and Maintenance Requirements: Review Process
  • RBT Eligibility and Maintenance Requirements: Eligibility Requirements
  • RBT Eligibility and Maintenance Requirements: Maintenance Requirements
  • RBT Eligibility and Maintenance Requirements: Summary of 2026 RBT Requirements
  • RBT Eligibility and Maintenance Requirements: Fees
  • RBT Eligibility and Maintenance Requirements: Implementation Timeline
  • Changes to the 2025 BCaBA Examination
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
September newsletter2023
  • APBA Accreditation Recognized Under BCBA Pathway 1
  • Remote Delivery of RBT Examination Discontinued
  • Pearson VUE US Sales Tax Collection
  • Multiple Certifications Policy Updated
  • BCBA and BCaBA Reinstatement Period Reduced to 30 Days
  • Clarifying the Assessor’s Role in the RBT Initial Competency Assessment
  • Sunsetting of Noncertified RBT Supervisors
  • New Regulations Necessitate Changes to BACB Certification in Ontario
  • Free Speech and BACB Ethics Requirements
  • US Zip-Code Data Now Available
  • Self-Reporting Reminder
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
July newsletter2023
  • Considerations From the Ethics Department: Parents Serving as RBTs for Their Children
  • Considerations From the Ethics Department: RBTs and BCaBAs as Company Owners
  • Considerations From the Ethics Department: Limits of Limited Liability Companies
  • A Caution About Data Removal Services
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
March newsletter2023
  • 2021 University Pass-Rate Reports Available
  • Thank You to Our Testing SMEs
  • Beware of Test Preparation Scams
  • New Resources About Using BACB Intellectual Property
  • Communications From the Ethics Department: Self-Reporting to the Ethics Department
  • Communications From the Ethics Department: How the Ethics Department Processes Notices of Alleged Violation
  • Communications From the Ethics Department: How the BACB Publishes Disciplinary Consequences
  • Communications From the Ethics Department: RBTs Quitting Without Sufficient Notice
  • Communications From the Ethics Department: Considerations for Submitting Notices Against BACB Certificants as Claims Reviewers
  • Communications From the Ethics Department: Keeping Track of Periodic Changes to Ethics Codes
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
March newsletter2022
  • Introducing the 2027 BCBA and BCaBA Certification Requirements: BCBA Eligibility and Maintenance Requirements
  • Introducing the 2027 BCBA and BCaBA Certification Requirements: BCaBA Eligibility and Maintenance Requirements
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
February newsletter2022
  • Introducing the 2025 BCBA and BCaBA Examinations: 2025 BCBA Examination
  • Introducing the 2025 BCBA and BCaBA Examinations: 2025 BCaBA Examination
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
July newsletter2021
  • Introducing the RBT Ethics Code (2.0)
  • Consumer Protection Requires Accurate Representation of BACB® Certification Status
  • New Ethics Resources
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
December newsletter2020
  • Introducing the New Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
August newsletter2020
  • Announcing Changes to BCaBA (5th ed.) Examination Specifications: SME Meeting Composition
  • Announcing Changes to BCaBA (5th ed.) Examination Specifications: Overview of Changes
  • Determining Whether it is Appropriate to Conduct a Standardized Assessment: The Example of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
  • Taking Supervision Seriously: Common Supervision Issues
  • Taking Supervision Seriously: Supervision Volume
  • RBTs Must Know Their BACB Account Details
  • Protecting Yourself Against Professional Identity Theft
  • COVID-19 Experience/Fieldwork Reminder
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
November newsletter2019
  • RBT Announcements: New Limit on Examination Attempts
  • RBT Announcements: Publication of RBT Examination Pass Rates for 40-hour Training Programs
  • Ethics Violations and Code-Enforcement Activities: Notifier Type
  • Ethics Violations and Code-Enforcement Activities: 2018 Update: Ethics Violations
  • Ethics Violations and Code-Enforcement Activities: Disciplinary Review Consequences
  • Reminder: Upcoming Changes to Continuing Education Requirements
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
August newsletter2019
  • Experience/Fieldwork Verification Forms: Preventing Disputes Between Supervisors and Trainees: Calculating Percentage of Supervision for BCBA/BCaBA Experience/Fieldwork Requirements
  • Protect Your NPI Number and Certification Information from Fraud
  • Calculating Percentage of Supervision for BCBA/BCaBA Experience/Fieldwork Requirements
  • New Ethics Resources
  • New Anonymous Ethics Reporting Mechanism Available: The Publicly Documented Alleged Violation Submission
  • 2022 BCBA and BCaBA Requirements Changes
  • BACB Data Resources
  • Requests to Use BACB Intellectual Property
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
December newsletter2018
  • Special Edition: RBT Certification Changes and Process Improvements
  • RBT Certification Requirements
  • RBT Task List
  • Examination Blueprint
  • 40-hour Training
  • Competency Assessment
  • Ethics Requirements
  • Supervisor Requirements
  • Implementation of RBT Changes
  • Process Improvements
  • A Summary of Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
November newsletter2018
  • Revised CEU Requirements: Amount of Continuing Education
  • Revised CEU Requirements: Types of Continuing Education
  • Revised CEU Requirements: Implementation Timeline
  • Behavior Technicians May Not be Independent Contractors in the U.S.
  • Customer Service Enhancements
  • Call for Nominations for the BACB Board of Directors
  • A Summary of Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
October newsletter2018
  • Special Edition on Revised BCBA and BCaBA Degree Requirements
  • New BCBA Degree Requirements
  • New BCaBA Degree Requirements
  • Implementation Timeline
  • 2019 Hemingway Award
  • A Summary of Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
March newsletter2018
  • Introducing the Monthly Experience System
  • Pearson VUE Examination-Appointment Data
  • Which BCaBA and RBT Activities Should be Supervised?
  • The 2018 Michael Hemingway Behavior Analysis Award
  • New Article on the Certification of Behavior Analysts Published
  • Fee Changes to BCBA-D, BCBA, and BCaBA Applications
  • A Summary of Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
October newsletter2017
  • Revised BCBA & BCaBA Experience and Supervision Requirements
  • Introducing the New Supervised Fieldwork Standards
  • Modifications of Current Standards (Effective Immediately)
  • A Summary of Recent & Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
April newsletter2017
  • Appropriate RBT Activities
  • The 2017 Michael Hemingway Behavior Analysis Award
  • Reporting Important Information to the BACB: Health- and Safety-Related Incidents -- Part 2
  • BCBA/BCaBA Examination Applications: Deadline Change and Late Fee Elimination
  • Elimination of Interim Documentation for Applications
  • BACB Events at the ABAI 2017 Convention
  • Annual Data Report: 2016
  • A Summary of Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
January newsletter2017
  • Introducing the BCBA/BCaBA Task List (5th ed.)
  • Task List Development
  • Task List Validation
  • The BCBA/BCaBA Task List (5th ed.)
  • Changes to BCBA and BCaBA Coursework Requirements
  • BCBA Coursework Changes
  • BCaBA Coursework Changes
  • Implementation Timeline
  • A Summary of Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards

Newsletter Month Newsletter Year Article Titles
November newsletter2016
  • New Journal Resources for BCBAs and BCaBAs
  • Increased RBT Exam Availability
  • Fees Waived for Non-US Degree Equivalency Evaluations
  • Reporting Important Information to the BACB: Health- and Safety-Related Incidents
  • Upcoming Changes to BCaBA Supervision Standards
  • Upcoming Changes to ACS Coordinator Requirements
  • Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Requirements
April newsletter2016
  • The 2016 Michael Hemingway Behavior Analysis Award
  • Expired BCBAs and BCaBAs
  • On Testimonials
  • News and Notes
  • A Summary of Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
January newsletter2016
  • Changes to BCBA-D Standards
  • RBT Updates
  • A Survey of 8-Hour Supervision Trainings
  • Participation Opportunity
  • A Summary of Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
October newsletter2015
  • Behavior Analyst WorkforceDemand Report Available
  • BCBA & BCaBA Examinations to be Translated into Additional Languages
  • Option 3 BCBA Alternative Eligibility Standards PhasedIn for Non-English Speaking Applicants
  • Notes from the Legal Department
  • RBT Credential Updates
  • News & Notes
  • A Summary of Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
May newsletter2015
  • The Professional Ethical and Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts: An Update: The Defnition of “Client”
  • The Professional Ethical and Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts: An Update: On Gifts
  • The 2015 Michael Hemingway Behavior Analysis Award
  • RBT Credential Updates
  • New Passing Scores Established for BACB Examinations
  • Supervision Training Update
  • Upcoming Requirements for Coordinators of Approved Course Sequences: A Modifcation
  • Communication Update
  • BACB Events at the ABAI Convention
  • A Summary of Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
December newsletter2014
  • Changes to BCaBA Supervision Requirements
  • Revised Practice Guidelines for Autism Spectrum Disorder Released
  • Notes from the Legal Department
  • News & Notes
  • A Summary of Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
November newsletter2014
  • Annual Certification Renewals are Being Eliminated
  • Changes to BCBA Alternative Eligibility Standards
  • Introducing the Fourth Edition Task List Examinations
  • Notes from the Legal Department
  • On the Distinction between Direct Implementation and Other Experience Activities
  • A Summary of Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
September newsletter2014
  • Special Edition on Ethics
  • A Revised Code of Ethics
  • Changes to the Disciplinary System
  • Cross-Reference Guide for the Compliance Code, Conduct Guidelines, & Disciplinary Standards
  • A Summary of Recent and Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
August newsletter2014
  • Special Issue on the ProQuest Benefit
  • A New Resource for BACB Certificants
May newsletter2014
  • Experience & Supervision Standards Training Module Available
  • New Wallet Cards Available to Certificants
  • ACS Pass-rate Data Now Online
  • The 2014 Michael Hemingway Behavior Analysis Award
  • Notes from the BACB Legal Department
  • Two Additional U.S. States Pass Behavior Analyst Licensure Laws
  • BACB Dedicates New Conference Room
  • BACB Events at the ABAI Convention
  • A Summary of Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
December newsletter2013
  • Special Issue on the RBT Credential
  • Development of the RBT Credential
  • Eligibility Requirements
  • Practice Parameters & Renewal Requirements
  • Ethics and Discipline
October newsletter2013
  • A New Inactive Policy for Certificants
  • BACB Awards Grant to B.F. Skinner Foundation
  • Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Changes to the BACB’s Experience/Supervision Policy
  • Behavior Analysis Leadership Meeting
  • Three U.S. States Enact Behavior Analyst Licensure/Certification Laws
  • New Application Requirement
  • New Deadline for On-Time Applications
  • Are You “BCBA Eligible,” a “BCBA Candidate,” or “BCaBA Pending?”
  • New BACB Logos
  • Are You Prepared for the Transition to a 2-year Recertification Cycle?
  • Opting Out of the BACB’s Mass Email Service
  • A Summary of Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
May newsletter2013
  • BACB Certificants now Exceed 13,000 Worldwide!
  • Board of Directors Election Update
  • The 2013 Michael Hemingway Behavior Analysis Award
  • BACB Examinations to be Offered More Frequently
  • Increased Requirements for Coordinators of Approved Course Sequences
  • Professional Behavior Analysis Associations Matter!
  • BACB Events at the ABAI Convention
  • A Reminder and Caution about Type 6 Continuing Education
  • A Summary of Upcoming Changes to BACB Standards
December newsletter2012
  • New Supervision Curriculum Available
  • Revised BACB Model Act for Licensure/Regulation Now Available
  • Journal Clubs: Contacting the Research Literature for Continuing Education
  • New Application for Coursework Evaluation
  • Use of the BACB’s Certificant Registry
  • News & Notes
September newsletter2012
  • Special Edition on Supervision
  • APBA-BACB Supervision Survey Results Now Available
  • Revised Supervision & Experience Standards
May newsletter2012
  • BACB Events at the ABAI Convention
  • Do You Subscribe to Behavior Analysis Journals?
  • Changes to the Certificant Registry
  • Board of Directors Update
  • The 2012 Michael Hemingway Behavior Analysis Award
  • A Reminder about Continuing Education Content
January newsletter2012
  • Setting the Record Straight: January, 2012 6 Common Misconceptions About the BACB
  • Our Recent Passing Score Study
  • Supervision Frequency
  • News and Notes