Please note that due to high volume, there may be a delay in processing verification requests. We appreciate your patience as requests are processed in the order received.


The BACB offers several resources for verifying information about its certificants.

BACB Certificant Registry

The online BACB Certificant Registry is the primary resource for quickly and easily verifying an individual’s certification status, and determining whether they have reportable disciplinary actions associated with their certification. The BACB Certificant Registry is updated daily.

For information on individuals misrepresenting themselves as BACB certificants, visit the Falsified Credentials page.

Verification Letter

If you prefer written verification of a current certificant’s status, you may request a verification letter from the BACB for a $25 fee per verification (Note: If you do not have a BACB account, you must create one to pay the fee). Verification letters are delivered as PDF documents or state-issued verification forms, which the BACB completes. Verification letters contain the following information from the certificant registries:

  • certificant name and certification number
  • confirmation of current certification status
  • if the certificant is inactive, the reason for their inactive status (i.e., voluntary inactive, not supervised, disciplinary actions as described on the disciplinary actions page)
    Note: verification letters are not provided for certifications that are expired
  • initial certification date
  • certification expiration date

Verification letters are emailed within 3-5 business days after the BACB receives payment of $25 per letter. Please note that RBTs may request a copy of their certification email at no charge by selecting the “Resend RBT Certification Email” option.

Verification Letter Request Form

Licensure board representatives may request a list of BACB certificants by completing the Regulatory Request Form. This list will be provided at no charge; however, it will not include individual letters and may only be requested by a designated representative.

The BACB requires original source verification for all degrees issued from a College or University in the United States.