Nearly half of all recently certified BCBAs and BCaBAs were RBTs when they applied. What does that tell us? For many, becoming an RBT is the first step on a journey toward BCBA or BCaBA certification. Knowing this, we’d like to answer some frequently asked questions about accruing supervised fieldwork for BCBA or BCaBA certification … Continue reading “7 FAQs for RBTs Pursuing BCBA or BCaBA Certification”
Review the for details on new RBT requirements and a new RBT examination that will launch in 2026. What is RBT Certification? The Registered Behavior Technician® (RBT®) certification is a paraprofessional certification in behavior analysis. RBTs assist in delivering behavior-analytic services and practice under the direction and close supervision of an RBT Supervisor and/or RBT … Continue reading “Registered Behavior Technician (RBT)”
Note: The information in this blog may be outdated. An effective RBT, BCaBA, or BCBA examination is: Reliable Valid Fair Confidential and proprietary Informed by the practice of behavior analysis All of the above Knowing the Terms To better understand how the BACB develops and maintains examinations, it’s helpful to know these terms: Criterion-Referenced: Criterion-referenced … Continue reading “Debunking Myths About BACB Examinations”
Note: The information in this blog may be outdated. Please see the 5 Must-Know RBT Application Tips blog post for up-to-date information. So, you’ve decided to take your career to the next level and pursue certification as a Registered Behavior Technician, or RBT. Congratulations! We’re rooting for your success, so we’ve put together some tips … Continue reading “Tips for a Smooth RBT Certification Application”
Note: The information in this blog may be outdated. Convenience and immediate results: We seek both in virtually every aspect of our daily lives – from our food and entertainment to our transportation. Now you can expect these same qualities in your BCBA and BCaBA certification exams. Following extensive work to ensure that our systems … Continue reading “BCBA and BCaBA Exams: Immediate Results and Year-round Availability”
Once you meet all applicable eligibility requirements, submit a certification application, and receive an approved determination, you must take and pass a BACB certification examination. You will schedule and pay for this examination through your Pearson VUE account. BACB examinations are composed of multiple-choice questions. Each question has 4 possible answers and only 1 correct answer. … Continue reading “EXAMINATION INFORMATION”
The BACB’s certification programs are accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), which mandates compliance with many rigorous standards intended to ensure the integrity of a professional certification program. One of those standards includes empaneling volunteers known as subject matter experts (SMEs) to contribute to the BACB’s examination development processes. Examination Subject Matter … Continue reading “BACB EXAMINATION VOLUNTEER INFORMATION”
We are pleased to announce the publication of the December 2023 BACB Newsletter. This issue focuses on new RBT requirements and a new RBT examination that will launch in 2026. Review it now for details.
In response to examination-security breaches and theft of examination content, the BACB will no longer offer remote testing for the RBT examination beginning September 1, 2023. As of that date, candidates must take the examination in person at an authorized testing center.
In an effort to assist certificants in remaining up-to-date with BACB requirements, the following table summarizes recent and upcoming changes announced by the BACB in newsletters or other resources.